01732 363636

T: 01732 363636

Privacy Policy

TN Taxis respects your privacy and recognizes the need to protect the personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified, such as name, address, and telephone number) you share with us. We would like to assure you that we follow appropriate standards when it comes to protecting your privacy on our web sites. In general, you can visit tntaxis.co.uk without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet address of the domains from which people visit us and analyse this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous. We place a small file known as a “cookie” on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie may contain information that allows us to track your path through our Site and to determine whether you have visited us before. However, unless you register with us, it contains no personally identifiable information that would allow us to identify you. Cookies cannot be used to read data off of your hard drive, and cannot retrieve information from any other cookies created by other Web sites. We use cookies in this manner to help us understand how visitors use our site, and to help us to improve our site. You may refuse to accept a cookie from us by following the procedures specific to your Web browser. Since cookies don’t provide us with any information from which we can identify you, we suggest you allow us to place one on your computer. The information we collect and analyse is used to improve our service to you. You should review the privacy policy of the Web site from which you reached our site in order to determine what information was collected. There are times when we may collect personal information from you such as name, physical address or telephone number. It is our intent to inform you before we do that and to tell you what we intend to do with the information. Generally, you will have the option not to provide the information, and in the future you will be able to “opt out” of certain uses of the information. If you choose not to provide the information we request, you can still visit the tntaxis.co.uk website, but you may be unable to access certain options, offers and services. TN Taxis will not sell, trade or disclose to third parties any information derived from the registration for, or use of, any online service (including names and addresses) without the consent of the user or customer (except as required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process or in the case of imminent physical harm to the user or others). If our privacy policy changes in the future, it will be posted here. You should access our privacy policy regularly to ensure you understand our current policies.